Jeddie Sophronius reads their poem “Listening to Ezio Bosso on Flight EY 474 to Jakarta” from Shō No. 5 (Summer 2024).
“I’m working on a manuscript that explores the perpetual state of in-betweenness and the difficulty of citizenship. To my surprise, the poems often tend to grief that has been neatly tucked away.”
— Jeddie Sophronius

Jeddie Sophronius is the author of the poetry collections Happy Poems & Other Lies (Codhill Press, 2024), Interrogation Records (Gaudy Boy, 2024), Love & Sambal (The Word Works, 2024), and the chapbook Blood·Letting (Quarterly West, 2023). A Chinese-Indonesian writer from Jakarta, they received their MFA from the University of Virginia, where they currently serve as a lecturer in English. The recipient of the 2023 Gaudy Boy Poetry Book Prize, their poems have appeared in The Cincinnati Review, The Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. Read more of their work at