Dominique Ahkong, Editor & Designer

Dominique Ahkong was born to Mauritian parents in outer London and grew up in Singapore. She holds a BA from Middlebury College and an MPS in interactive media and has received grants and support from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Center for Book Arts in NYC, and Singapore’s National Arts Council. Her poetry appears or is forthcoming in Best New Poets, The Southern Review, The Cincinnati Review, Cherry Tree, The Georgia Review, and elsewhere. More:
Johnny Cordova, Editor

Having published regularly in small press journals from 1995 to 2004, Johnny Cordova returned to the poetry scene in 2021 after spending ten years in Southeast Asia. Since then, his work has appeared in Salt Hill Journal, New York Quarterly, Louisiana Literature, Chicago Quarterly Review, and elsewhere.
Johnny is a graduate of the Creative Writing program at Prescott College, where he mostly studied the short story, which has translated to a love for strong narrative verse. His website is
Claire Zhou, Intern

Claire Zhou is a student currently residing in Suzhou, China. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Chestnut Review, DIALOGIST, Notre Dame Review, Moon City Review, Gulf Coast, and Shō Poetry Journal. She loves baking.