“The fruit / hung bending the branches, like a hundred // small stomachs, bird-eaten and naked / where the beaks had pierced.”
Girl Cousins, Pixelated
Listen to Ranudi Gunawardena read “Girl Cousins, Pixelated.”
This poem was chosen as the runner-up of the Sita Martin Prize for Shō No. 6.

Ranudi Gunawardena is a Sri Lankan poet whose work explores the wombscape, childhood in rural landscapes, and the uncanny in nature, among others. Her work has appeared in literary magazines such as Action, Spectacle; Equatorial; Kopi Collective; Magma; Samfiftyfour; and Wachana. She studies at Williams College.

See more poems from Shō No. 6 (Winter 2024/25) by purchasing a copy.
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